“Please correct me if I’m wrong”…

Let’s agree there are HORRIBLE PEOPLE walkin’ the streets among us. Just look around you. Some of them may be your friends or even family. Somewhere, sometime too many realize that too late. Too often one of these HORRIBLE PEOPLE acquires a gun or guns. And immediately the cries rise up “BAN GUNS”!

Ok, let’s think about this!

GUNS are Dangerous if mishandled. Guns don’t Shoot People. People Shoot People!

KNIFES are Dangerous if mishandled. Knifes don’t Cut/Stab People. People Cut/Stab People!

BASE BALL BATS are Dangerous if mishandled. Base Ball Bats don’t Beat People. People Beat People!

CARS are Dangerous if mishandled. Cars don’t Run Over People. People Run Over People!

Do we BAN ALL OF THE ABOVE? One is No More Dangerous that the OTHER! It’s THE HANDS they are in at the time they are Mishandled that makes them DANGEROUS!
I’m sure there are many, many, many more we could work to Ban. But, is that the cure all? I don’t think there has ever been a situation where any of the above, Inanimate Objects, DANGEROUS items plotted out a date, time, & target and sought them out to kill them. Please correct me if I’m wrong…”Hold’em Hook”!…..BG>  


2 thoughts on ““Please correct me if I’m wrong”…

  1. Yeah, but with guns for example, it makes it easier to kill people. So any moment of rage or anger could lead to a person killing the other. The same can’t be said about a pencil, let’s say.


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